Saturday, February 24, 2007

A risk that worked out...

When J came home for Christmas, two years ago, he had been working in design for a few years, mostly interiors and exhibition..but still had a dream to design furniture. He designed his own stuff in his spare time, but had never had anything made professionally. Feeling he was stuck in a rut, he sent some designs to two large furniture companies to see what would happen. They both offered him freelance work. One job he could do along his full time job, but the other was an offer of a three month contract. To do this he would need to take a risk and give up his job. What did I think?

I thought, go for it, you have nothing to lose. Well, not much, in comparison to giving your dream a go!! I thought, he must be good, if they offer work on the basis of a 'cold call' and they must receive many such approaches...

So he did, he joined H*bit*t for three months..then another three..then six, then a year's contract. That has taken him through two years. This week he was made Design Manager for Furniture, and given a permanent contract. He is smiling. Which he doesn't do much!!! Takes a lot to make him smile...and it was a wry smile to be also offered company private health care after his recent back problems and just paying out £600 for an mri scan....still, it can't all be good news can it!!!
Laa and I were talking about J when we went to the cinema and she said that someone at work had seen a sink he has designed in the magazine Ell* D*coration.. I said oh yes, I meant to by one, I'll get it on Saturday, and Laa said, where on earth are you going to put a sink, you don't need one, and I said, no, not the sink, the magazine..I don't know where she gets it from...

1 comment:

1 i z said...

And then it dawned on Laa...