Friday, February 02, 2007

Crazy world....

..or maybe it's not the world, it's in my head....I think I'm winning, but keeping emotions under control is still an issue..with some people!!! I seem to have such a lot of anger, that, like a volcano, suddenly finds a place to shoot to the surface and threatens to take over, and I lose control...then after the anger comes the upset and the tears...but 90% of the time I am like a normal person, so that's an improvement...

Crazy world at work, so much to do, still no Broadband....even the calm, unflappable IT guy we are now paying is losing his cool at the call centre in India: every time we ring, they won't progress the problem from the last call, they start again, and say, we need to do a line test, it will take 24 far about 4 line tests and no solution. Eventually he spoke to someone, a lvoely lady called Janet somewhere in the UK who admitted they were having major technical problems, with everything, and they weren't we have asked them for a code which enables us to change our broadband supplier, and have told them, don't bother fixing our line, ok? And for anyone interested, zen broadband is looking like the preferred option.....

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