Tuesday, July 04, 2006

One Day Off - not enough....

I could get used to this...I don't have enough time to potter and 'be'... Day Off started with dog going manic at 4am and needing to go out. I took her downstairs, she took her time wandering, came in, had a drink and a biscuit and we went back to bed.

Then Clive came in with a cup of tea, as he usually does (about 7.40am). as I tried to wake up, sit up and look interested, I realised it was only 6.30am, the time he gets up. What??? I say. 'Well, I heard you get up with the dog (4am remember) so I thought you might like an early tea, as you were awake.' Err..no I wasn't, Dur. But as I want to appear grateful I drink my tea and even manage a little conversation to be friendly.

I get up on time, hang out washing, put some more on, and empty book cases in the front bedroom as I am moving them to be on one wall: I dust them and proceed to put all the books back..in alphabetical order. I just lvoe doing that..like with my CD collection. However, I have a dilemma, I like it to look neat, so generally I have books of the same size together. Sorting them alphabetically means the sizes are varied, I am trying to come to terms with this....I even sort a few books (just a few) to take to a charity shop.

Just at the right time (amazingly enough) DC turns up for business meeting and I say, 'Good, I have a job for you upstairs.' 'Oh' he says, eyes lighting up, until he sees it is helping me carry James' (unwanted) chest of drawers upstairs to go against the chimney wall, in place of one of the book cases. Ooh goody, extra storage, and I even hoover and dust a bit more. Clean spare room, available for guests.....

DC has guessed I haven't had breakfast and brings yoghurt and croissants round. Lvoely, I say, and still feeling like a domestic goddess, pop down to the kitchen and make a cafetiere of fresh coffee, and pile a tray with coffee, warm milk, croissants, strawberry jam and lemon curd.

We take the tray into the garden and sit at the lvoley garden table, to enjoy breakfast in the sun, well, under the large sun parasol (once we got it up...) It is all very Country Life. Happily we begin to chat and I open the vanilla yogurt, which, as I peel back the lid, sprays me liberally with the contents, and I sit, yogurt spattered, in my hair, on my arms, and down my chest. DC collapses into a complete heap at the sight, before coming out with the one liner..'Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was that excited!' As I wipe it all off, I say, as I am often heard to say, 'It doesn't happen like this in the films...' Me, sophisticated? Not a chance.

I recommended the lemon curd to David. He tried it. Once he had scraped all the green mould off the top, he said it was very nice. Day off...to be continued...


1 i z said...



Rachel said...

Classic indeed! You do keep us all entertained!

Rach xx