Tuesday, March 06, 2007

This is wot I bought...

It's a John Rocca blouse. Quite nice I thought. Liz made me. She said it looked very nice. (But not as thin as this picture might suggest...) Even the lady at the till said it looked good on me. And given she was fierce and nearly came to blows with Liz, she was scary, I was grateful for her kindly comment. So it's in the wardrobe til summer. Or Egypt. Whichever comes first.

Went to my nlp diet group last night. Weighed in. Have lost a pound!! Did another guided relaxation which made me feel very peaceful. Then I woke up and it was all a dream..and I had to run back to the office by 7.30pm to run a Safe&guard*ing Childr*n training for my volunteers. I put out chocolate biscuits. I didn't have one. i got home at a quarter to ten, tired and hungry and ate some lasagne Clive had made. You know what? I think probably the best lasagne I have ever tasted. I think he should take over the cooking completely.


Caroline said...

if he did you might get to eat cooked gu puddings, and what would that do to your diet!!!

love the blouse! please come shopping with me in Bristol i'm sure you must need a skirt or trousers to go with it that couldn't possibly be found anywhere else?

Rainbow dreams said...

You shop and he cooks... sounds like heaven :) Like the top, and pleased you had a good time

Kathryn said...

I have to say that one major advantage of being married to my husband is his tuna pasta! I've just eaten 2 (yes, that's TWO) Jaffa Cakes at the junior school club - but of course it was only to demonstrate that Lent isn't really all about giving things up and feeling miserable!
As the top so admirably demonstrates. It's lovely :-)

1 i z said...

It does indeed look very, very lovely on you. See that scarey woman on the till was right about something (even if she couldn't fathom that I might need to temporarily hang up the clothes we weren't buying when she asked for my credit card - to be honest it's annoying enough to be barked at that anything you don't buy after trying on, you'll have to rehang in original location (no small matter in a department store that size), without being snapped at when you dare to free your hands to find your credit card to pay for what you are taking)...anyway, despite this, she was right about the top - you look really good in it (and I wasn't just saying that to avoid having to find the original location and return yet another item) ;-)