Monday, March 19, 2007

Mothering Sunday....

Mothering Sunday, being the day after my birthday, meant that my poor children felt obliged to spend two days with me - at least it gets it all over with in one weekend!!!!

The morning began for me, as you might expect, with a few tears: I missed my mum, wanted to call her, tell her I lvoed her: remembered other Mother's Days in the past: Clive's mother was coming over to go to church with us, I told Clive I wasn't going, and had the usual silent the end, rather than sit in my bedroom being upset on my own, and unfairly ostracised for not toeing the line, I decided to go downstairs to the kitchen and share my distress, rather than hide it as I normally do...he did indeed take one look at me and I got a hug, and I said, I'm sorry, I still can't do church on Mother's Day, it's too difficult (the third one without her...unbelievable...) and he said, that's ok, and was nice to me after that.

I was torn between feeling I was right to share how I was feeling, make him understand, get a hug, but also felt I had 'got permission' to stay home (like a school excuse note) and I shouldn't need to do that....

Anyway, it meant I had a long and leisurely breakfast with James and Amy, and lvoed James' card to me, 'To my mummy from your little boy' (all 6' 4" of him...) Laura arrived in time for lunch and so we all sat down to roast beef, followed by a lazy afternoon of newspapers and snoozing.

I did mean to walk the dog, but it was so windy..and so me and Laa researched honey moons and wedding outfits on the internet and drank tea and ate the chocolate cake James bought me..mmmm...then later, when everyone had gone, there was Mansfield Park to watch..don't tell me the ending cos I fell asleep and gave up..will watch it tonight...


Kathryn said...

Sounds good, sweetie...I barely saw my offspring thanks to CME and school musical, so it was lovely to read about a "proper" family day. One of the things I'm being reminded to do as part of a wild salvage attempt with A is to give him the opportunity to realise my feelings rather than automatically assuming that he won't understand, won't react the way I need him to etc etc..Sounds as if maybe doing that with C is helpful too?
Hugs xx

1 i z said...

"there was Mansfield Park to watch..don't tell me the ending cos I fell asleep"

Well I don't think it will give too much away to tell you that it woz the butler wot done it, she turns out to be a he and Bruce Willis is a ghost.