Friday, March 09, 2007

Is it me???

I posted a few days ago that we were going to do a quiz. We have been planning it for quite a while. Sure the date's in your diary? Yes. Sure you are free that night? Yes. Absolutely sure? Yes. (You can see where this is heading, can't you?) We need plenty of time to write it. Yes. I don't want last minute panics. No. Or stress. No.

So we have written most of it. Never mind if we can't get together. We can do it one evening over webcam when I am here and he is in Yorkshire. Really. Ok.

Then, when we meet up on Monday, he has good news and bad news. I sit calmly and wait - knowing. The good news...Our lvoely assistant, Chris, one of our crew, is free to assist with all things technical on Saturday night. The bad news is...I wait. I breathe. He has accidentally double booked. He is supposed to be away on a church weekend. I wait. I look. I say nothing. He says he will come back on Saturday evening to do the quiz with me. I nod. It's the right answer.

And that, is exactly why you are not doing the disco at my daughter's wedding. The reason why we have booked a professional DJ. He looks hurt. That is unfair, he says. Oh no it isn't.

On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings when he is in Yorkshire, somehow we don't have the time to finish the quiz. I ask him to e-mail it to me. It is only on his laptop, and I have to plan for the chance that he might be late on I would like the quiz on my laptop. He says he will e-mail it to me, but also we can work on it on Thursday evening when he gets back to the hotel, around 11pm.

I finally switch the computer off and go to sleep at sometime after 11pm. I am woken by a text at around midnight saying he has got to his room later than planned after a nightcap. I reply and ask him something. He says, sorry, too sleepy to talk to you now, can we talk in the morning? Oh B*gger off is my reply, as now I am awake and it takes another hour to get back to sleep.

The conversation in the morning when I am in my office and he is driving to a meeting (and running a bit late actually) involves me getting quite angry that the quiz is not finished, I don't have a copy and I have the stress of having to fetch the Discovery from his house on Saturday, drive it to the church hall and unload all the equipment he promises is in there, and hope he arrives in time to help.

Will you please f*****g e-mail me the quiz? Yes, he says, getting aggressive, I said I would on Tuesday. But it's Friday and you still haven't f*****g sent it!! Well, he says..and this is the statement of the year...'I didn't know we were working to your specific timescale.'...what?: what? My timescale would be to get the quiz before Saturday, so that I can print it out...when exactly did he have in mind?

Well, later this afternoon after my meeting. Why not now? Haven't got time. Will e-mail at 12.30pm when my meeting is over.

I text at 2.15pm asking politely for the e-mail. It arrives at a quarter to three and he says his meeting overran....

Is it me? Is it me? Or is it any wonder my stress levels are high?

Tonight the quiz is finished. I have added a music round, a history round and a celebrity pics round. I am pleased with it. We have over 70 people coming. I hope it's this space...


Merlin said...

Not you. Definitely not you. It is certain people, and I swear he is rubbing off on other members of the 4. I spent a fun 20 minutes on the phone to Zippie today discussing the difficulty about getting information out of certain people. On my side it ran along the lines of "don't ask me to b.....y well do something and then not respond when I come back with solutions. Talk about not b.....y well empowering"
Deep breaths Sal, deep breaths.
PS The first comment anyone makes to one of my poems and it is "eeuw". Gee thanks :-)

sally said...

Merlin, I have loved many of your other poems. Silently appreciate them. Just that poem did rather evoke that response....sorry!!!

Kathryn said...

Definitely not you, indeed. He takes not just one but the whole packet of biscuits. Grrrrrr.
Hope the quiz goes amazingly, despite all that certain drivers of Range Rovers can do to thwart this.
Hugs xxx

1 i z said...

Shite = that's bad even for him!

[takes Sally's hand and stares caringly into her eyes]

No it is not just you, you know this, he's a bloody nightmare.

And remember that somewhere a 'church weekend' will also be raising their eyebrows and rolling their eyes as he disappears this evening.

Total madness (maybe the lovely Z hasn't worked her pa magic yet eh.... Remember we've been promised heightened efficiency ;-) ).

Ultimately he won't change and the best we can hope for is coping and compensation strategies I fear.

All I can suggest is you continue to recognise this, and as per your decision re Laa's wedding, accordingly try and reduce the ways in which his madness impacts you and your stress levels.

But there's a limit to that I guess if we want him in our lives, and given his loveliness in other ways I guess we have all decided we do. So there's the rub.

I have no idea what the solution is.

But in the short term we could all offer to hold him down whilst you bludgeon him about the face with a wet fish? Wouldn't change a damn thing, but you might feel better ;-)

Caroline said...

liz said it all far more eloquently than i could.

I would be happy to provide the wet fish....

Rainbow dreams said...

hope all went well in the end.