Sunday, March 18, 2007

St Patrick's Day activities....

Starts well, breakfast in bed, a card and chocolate. Excellent. Then a dog walk with Jill..and Sophie, obviously. My colleague Nikki calls in with a card for me, and I cannot believe it when I open it..where did she find it!!!!!

A search on the web reveals that this guy has done a whole series of Sally cards...this one being the most accurate! Well, it made David laugh, anyway...

Brunch out, shopping, time with my kiddlies, a takeaway in the evening, then all of us settling down to watch a dvd - The Devil Wears Prada - complete with m&ms, popcorn and maltesers means that my diet has been postponed for another day or two...

I have so many flowers that the house looks like a flower shop - or a funeral parlour - not helped by the gift from my mother-in-law of a 'table decoration.' I'm sorry, it's a coffin spray, I've seen enough to know, and it fills my dining room table, leaving no room for plates...

The Chinese takeaway arrives complete with a small packet of chopsticks, marked, 'Made in Taiwan' and when I open them, a small grey bug walks out of the packet and on to the table. It has travelled a long way to be here. Good job I noticed or we would have thought it crawled out of the food. 'I ate lots of moving things just like that in my food when I was in China,' says James...but this bug is helped into the garden by Laa...we worry it might have a hard time finding a mate...


Rainbow dreams said...

Happy belated Birthday Sally, it sounds like a good day, x

Kathryn said...

Oh Sally.
I'm shamed and embarassed.
Will send chocolate asap!
Hugs and loves xxxx

Rachel said...

Happy belated birthday!!!! Seems March is a favourite month for being born (although I guess there's not much choice on the part of one being born...) - 5 of 6 immediate family members, 3 of 7 cousins and my niece all have March Birthdays!

Sounds like you had a good weekend - hope this week goes well. xxx

sally said...

Please don't be shamed or embarrassed! That is not the point!! I don't know anyone else birthday - least of all yours, so please don't worry!!!! I accept virtual's the thought that counts.... xxx

Merlin said...

Of course he'll have a hard time finding a mate. Do you know how porrly educated british bugs are? No way can they speak taiwanese.