Sunday, April 09, 2006

What a lvoely song to end on......

..a good way to end a weekend, to pop into an old St Albans pub and find a folk night in full swing..except that full swing might be overstating it...As D and I crossed the floor with our drinks and crisps to find a seat, a dozen pairs of eyes watched us, silently saying, 'Eeer, they're not from round 'ere then....' True, we weren't wearing checked shirts, sandals or beards (oh, one of us had a beard, I admit it...) then we worried about eating the crisps, because we imagined one crunch would have twelve pairs of lips mouthing 'Sshhhh' in our direction. We lasted for four songs before putting some money in the kitty and escaping into the night. I am used to such venues, but D was clearly having a panic attack, and saying it was the most hard-core folk venue he had ever set foot in, and how his leather coat had never seemed more out of place. Not to mention the audi.....

But it was the end of a good weekend - after doing some house work, which I still remembered how to do, taking the dog for a walk in the morning sunshine, I made it into town to buy a book, have coffee and croissants, gossip and a fun time.....

Also called in to see Laa and Mec in their little cottage for a cup of tea..then as I was settling for a lazy evening in front of the TV, my lovely friend Jacky rang and asked if she could come round, and of course she could, so we had coffee and chatted and caught up.....lvoely....

I had a good feeling about today too, it was a sunny Sunday and I had a meeting in Witney, near Oxford, about a world music festival with which I am involved...this meant over an hour's drive in the sun, listening to lvoely music and thinking thoughts...very unpressured. After the meeting, I stopped in Oxford services and weakened, having not eaten, and had a burger and fries..I promise, the first I've had in years..and yes, I weakened more and bought a packet of M&Ms to eat in the car.....more driving in the sun, more music, and a lvoley way of spending Sunday. You know, one of those days when you are very happy with your own company????

Then this evening a board meeting of a charity, where D and I are trustees and all has not been going well. I think I was polite in my contributions and didn't actually get violent with anyone. But the frustration drove me to insisting on going for an orange juice and a packet of crisps before going home. If I said something in the meeting, it was ignored, but when D made the same point ten minutes later, the Chair (male, of course,) would think it an important point and take it on board. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Still home now, time to calm down..have I got some chocolate somewhere? Oh, and I must take a picture for Liz..... hang on.....


Kathryn said...

Lol....a bit like my good idea for the re-ordering of the chapel then, Sally?
Sounds like a pretty happy w'end overall, though. So pleased.
Hugs xx

Rachel said...

Sorry about the meeting - it's frustrating when you're ability gets overlooked because of your sex...I remember it got to the point at a local youth club committee meeting where I thought "why do I turn up".

Glad that overall it was a good weekend. :)

Rach x