Thursday, October 13, 2005

Strange times we live in....

It's so unreal. My Saturday was fairly typical...Clive went to work, I stayed in bed..I read, then got up and went doggie walking with Jill..headed home, put some washing on, went to Laura's to feed the cat, walked into town to do some shopping...and while I was out, an earthquake in Pakistan killed upwards of 30,000 people. And it has hardly made a blip on my radar. I watch the images on the news, I can barely take it in. I cannot imagine what it must be like to live out there. Like the Tsunami, such catastrophic destruction, loss of life..and yet sometimes I struggle to feel anything. 30,00 people killed. Yet if I knew, personally knew just one, the pain would be so much more real. Like in the Tsunami, when I lost friends. Real people from St Albans died.

My mum and dad died. Just two people. But the effect on my life is huge. But when you don't know people, death isn't so painful. Yet they are still people..someone's mother, or brother, or father or son. Other human beings dying should still hurt. I watch the images on TV, make myself watch so they are real people, not just statistics.There but for the grace of God....

It's not as if I don't care, and would like to help. But isn't life weird, isn't feeling, or lack of it, weird. Whatever else happens to anyone else in the world, all I cared about on Saturday evening, with my eyes fixed on the Arrivals doors in Terminal 3, was to see Laura and Mec walk back through, safe from their holiday in Thailand. I know it's human nature...but I felt guilty for feeling that way. And oh so grateful.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Sally, love, if we all felt the full weight of the world's woes, we'd go stark staring bonkers...Even carrying those of a small parish in Gloucestershire could drive one mad if it weren't possible to put them down. As you imply, if you were there, and had the opportunity to know even one victim as an individual, you would feel differently, but for now you have quite enough of your own stuff to deal with. There are simply too many things to grieve over for each of us to feel them equally. I think that's one of the reasons for the cross (but then I would say that)...
Meanwhile, glad you have your wanderers safe home :-)