Friday, April 20, 2007

I thought it would be obvious....

...that the Yes! Yes! Yes! post referred back to the Oh dear..nothing, entry...and no-one commented, 'I'll have some of what she's having'...a bonus point for the person who can name the film?? Clue: my name features somewhere...

But yes, Merlin, you are correct in your surmising..I have indeed bought a dress..not to mention a jacket, shoes, wrap, matching bag, skirt, top, more shoes, another wrap, another matching bag...and the moral of the story is, don't waste time trailing round shops on your own, coping with armfuls of stock which they then don't allow in the fitting room, 'Only four items..' and the fitting rooms are so small you can't fit two people in (not being kinky, just wanted Laura with me), and often nowhere to hang up the outfits, queues for the fitting rooms horrendous, and someone has to traipse back on to the shop floor searching for different sizes (me if I am alone..)

Make an appointment with a fashion advisor, who gives you two hours of her time free..she does all the work while you sit in a comfy chair reading magazines..lots of room to try stuff on, and she has no preconceptions, and brings clothes you would never dream of picking up yourself...

And young Dorothy, bless her, took one look at me and heard about my desperate search for a Mother of the Bride outfit..and fetched in wonderful outfits I hadn't looked at...she only brought in one fuscia pink suit, and she wasn't happy with it, she said, no, that's hideous, I won't allow you to buy it, you need something young and bright...

And so, what colour am I wearing? Pale pink? No. Pale blue? No. Pale green? No. Lilac? no. Red. Bright red. Pillar box red. Fire engine red. Come and get me, in your face, red. A low cut dress and jacket. Stunning. Mother of the bride? What bride?

Dorothy, and JL, thank you. You are stars.


Merlin said...

Congratulations. And the film, come on, too easy, someone else ahs set me a much harder one, yours is "When Harry Met Sally".

Rainbow dreams said...

oh yes.. brilliant.
Am so pleased you have the perfect outfit...with accessories :)

1 i z said...

Lol! I was just about to make a comment about that diner scene on the Yes Yes yes post, but thought I'd read the latest entries first!

So glad you found 'the' outfit - can't wait to see photos.

And what did I say to you about needing to reframe in your mind the whole mother-of-the-bride concept as you're just too young and lovely to do that stiff formal fuschia pink suit and frump hat thing?

Still grinning that you found 'it'!

Caroline said...

oh yes indeedy. excellent! really realy pleased!

Kathryn said...

That is so wonderful...Longing to see you in all your glory.
Hugs xx