Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tears before bedtime.....

Was getting stressed at work today. So much to do, so behind, can't really afford to be going away for 10 days! But have been packing - oh I know I'll forget something!

Got more stressed, got cross, got upset, got more cross with myself for getting upset, then tonight went fast asleep on the sofa while Clive cooked dinner.... then later went asleep again while David Attenborough was educating me about climate chaos.

Why, oh why oh why did I write this morning's blog?? I knew I was tempting fate.....


Stuart said...


Just cause things are getting better does not mean you will never have another bad day! So stop beating yoursel up, just think Iona then 3 days with me. What more could you want?

sally said...

Stuart..absolutely nothing more.....I am indeed a lucky, lucky, girl. (and you know all the gossip I shared with your wife about can get your own back..he.he.he.he..)xxxx

Rainbow dreams said...

I agree with Stuart Sally - don't beat yourself up for having low times - the previous blog was real too - have a great time away and look after you x