Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Stress, stress and more stress....

Did I mention I got a little stressed today? Have been trying to catch up with work, but it's so full on, and after work yesterday I had counselling, and my counsellor was telling me I need to get in touch with my anger, I am far too calm....she thinks I can't get angry! I immediately obliged her with shouting down the phone at the next person who rang me..a barrage of abuse to which there was no come back and then I ended the conversation abruptly.

Didn't feel any better though, a good row needs a resolution, instead I was still angry..after Clive went out I curled up with the dog on the sofa and went to sleep...helped a bit..had a fitful night's sleep and woke up still stressed and was on the phone to Rosemarie by 8am to talk over a Child Protection problem I had to deal with today.

Had a hard day with one meeting after another, no time to think, no lunch, and it ended at 4pm with a phone call from someone who was really winding me up and I was in danger of becoming very cross..so ended the conversation and told N and MA I was leaving for the day before I popped...I don't think they have seen me so wound up....hard to deal with work stuff when personal stuff is still bugging..but then the person in question rang and invited me for a drink and some time to talk and catch up which helped..before I did a bit of frantic late night shopping for Clive's birthday tomorrow...this time last year I was on gardening leave from work..quite tempted to ask for it again!!!!!!

1 comment:

Rainbow dreams said...

Thinking of you, hope tomorrow is better,
and Happy Birthday to Clive
