Monday, May 08, 2006


I have lost count of the number of times C said sorry after her arrival! And I was so excited she had made it..I didn't underestimate the Bigness of the occasion..the longest journey she had driven on her own in about 20 years! And after such a sh*t and stressful day at work too...

So there I was, being pleased she was here, and there she was, apologising for being here, being a bother, being in the way,....and how do I reward all the effort to get here, and show her how pleased I was to have her staying??? I fall asleep! Wednesday evening, there we were after dinner, curled up on the sofas ready for a long girlie chat, and I was asleep in minutes! Had to apologise and get off to bed at about 10.30pm or something ridiculous.

After a hard day's shopping in St Albans and tea at the Waffle House on Thursday, we got home and collapsed..and yes, I went to sleep! I was more exhausted than Caroline! Same after a lovely, lovely day at the Craft Fair at Hatfield House..mind you, we both has a sofa each and went to sleep, I had to wake Caroline up to eat her dinner....we had a text from Liz saying, I know you two will be up half the night talking and eating chocolate...if only you knew...

Saturday night, Caroline's last night, a special dinner followed by watching American was really good, we hadn't seen it in ages..but as Caroline spotted, I slept through quite a lot of it, that girl doesn't miss a thing. I can't remember being so tired...

So I spent a lot of time apologising for sleeping and being boring, and worrying that C wasn't having a nice time, and thinking she would have more fun staying with another friend up I said sorry a lot, and C said sorry a lot.... what are we like???????

I really loved having my friend to stay. She is so not here now, it's scary........ (private joke..)


Kathryn said...

So, I look at the bloglines, and see a post entitled "Sorry......sorry........sorry" and I think ....
"Hang on, that's supposed to be Sally's blog. I must have got the links wrong and its somehow turned into Caroline's.."
which means that I am now fully qualified to join in the general apology fest by saying "Sorry for leaping to conclusions..."
I'm also, of course, "sorry you are both so tired"
and "sorry you were there and not here, both of you."
Things break down a bit, though, when I have to be smiley, happy and delighted that you had time all sounded truly wonderful.
Hugs xx

1 i z said...

Lol!! What are the pair of you like?

All that gossiping must have tired you out.

I *thought* I'd felt my ears burning...

Caroline said...

:) awww, but you're soooo cute when you're asleep!

