Sunday, May 14, 2006

So tired......

I forget that some of us are not as young as we were..Sophie is coming up for 14, in dog years, and in human years that is almost 98! She is so lively and frisky, you wouldn't know, except for the increasing greyness -aren't we all! - but now that I am more keen to go out for long spring walks, I suddenly realised that on the home-ward journey I am alone..and there, a little way behind me, is a tired dog, walking slowly and trying not to limp....and collapsing in her basket is definitely on her mind.....
But if you saw her jumping and running up and down to the door beforehand asking to go out for a walk....I need to remember not to stay out so long.......

1 comment:

Caroline said...

awww give her a huge hug for me!