Saturday, June 16, 2007

Stormy weather..part one...

...I heard it on the radio..severe weather warning in the north west...didn't apply to me....didn't think much, except it had really, really, rained here yesterday too....anyway, the events of the last couple of days had kept us and DC going to Swindon for a S*gar Hill Festival meeting..things not going so well, a lot of work, people to manage, problems to deal with, it's been time consuming...

Anyway, we had a conversation on the way, about life, how much there is to do, how DC had 420 unread e-mails, how mad e-mailing has got....and I talked about being realistic about how much to take on, how to say no occasionally, and a few other home truths that didn't go down very well.....

To break the slightly awkward silence that then ensued I reminded DC that we needed to detour to Cheltenham if possible to pick up the mended tyre that got a hole in at the last festival cos I reversed the landy over a sharp piece of broken pipe on the racecourse, but it wasn't my fault, DC had reversed the landy there in the first place, not my fault I then drove over the reminder was rewarded with a 'for f*ck's sake' very loudly..not sure what I said wrong..I said we don't have time now but after the meeting...then I got, 'I've got the wrong f*cking car!' with venom...we were in the Other Car (you know, in 'My other car's an Audi type of way...), I didn't realise he meant to bring the landy so the man could actually put the tyre back on....

The way he shouted and swore made me feel it was my fault, he doesn't lose his temper very often, the last time was when we missed the ferry to Iona, and that was horrible and he shouted and swore and I cried and walked off....well this time I felt the unfairness of it all, and so I sniffed a bit and got the hump, and he said, 'I'm not shouting at you, I'm cross with myself,' and I sniffed more and looked out of the window...there we were having the classic husband and wife row and we are not, and I don't need this from a good friend and business partner.....

Anyway, we did the meeting and were civil then after over a drink and a good meal in a pub we were friends again - we usually are! - and we talked about the stress, and how we haven't made our Monday evening weekly business meetings for while now, what with Bank Holidays and other stuff, so I suggested Friday evening, straight after work, 5pm til 7pm so it didn't take up the evening, to crack on and get some work done, that will take the stress off and get the actions done for the Other Festival Meeting we have on Monday, and also leave DC free over the weekend to deal with the 500 plus e-mails which will by then be siting in his in-box....

So that's a plan then.....

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