yes, the kitchen is bigger and everything is under a sea of brick dust...wish I had put those saucepans away in the cupboard now...various things are abandoned and dust covered...the wooden kitchen roll holder..that's going. The mug trees. They're going. In fact more or less everything I gave house room to in the old kitchen is going. Everything will be new. And I mean everything....
Took Sophie dog to the vet's this morning and left her to have various tests..have to take her off her arthritis medicine completely to see if it was having an adverse affect on her kidney function. It will be a balance between kidney function and mobility...all results back next week. I even managed to catch a urine sample in the vet's car park, but forgot the bottle, so carried it in on the flat plastic lid and handed it to the receptionist to find a suitable receptacle. She looked a bit horrified..goodness, what does she expect, working in a vets? I asked for the lid back, to go on my tupperware sandwich box. Oh, only's Clive's tupperware sandwich box....
poor sophie dog. poor sally. horrid old dogginess. have lots of hugs, maybe somewhere with less brickdust.
Keeping fingers crossed for Sophie dog's results, have fun in Cheltenham, Katie,x
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