Monday, October 23, 2006

There I was....

...sitting in the coffee shop next door to the's run by the church next door, by volunteers, and frequented mostly by senior citizens: it does a good job, a friendly, cheery place, with good, nutritious inexpensive food, and volunteers to chat should you look lonely (and sometimes even if you'd rather be left alone, but hey...)..once I was having lunch there and the minister passed by and blessed me!!!! No egg and tomato sandwich ever tasted the same.....

Being behind my office, it's convenient to go and buy my lunchtime sarnie there, but every now and again I actually sit down and have lunch in there. Like yesterday, and while I eat, I like to read...first the church newsletter, then the Baptist Times, then any other Christian magazines on the see I am a compulsive reader, I can't just sit and eat....

So, there I was..eating my lunch and glancing through a Christian magazine. All was well until I turned a page and some rather rude words hit me in the eye. The F word even...I choked on my tuna jacket and turned to the front page to check the magazine. Hmmm. Third Way..but I don't expect such language reading in a Baptist church coffee shop. I am shocked. I turn back to the words to see I am not is an album review. Written by..I scan to the end of the Jude Adam. Well, well, well. I glance across the next page and see a review written by..Garth Hewitt. Well again. No bad language in that article....

I turn the page and see yet another album review. Written by..Oliver Carruthers. Now that name rings a bell too....I think perhaps I am dreaming, and this is a magazine just written by friends and colleagues. I check the editorial panel...yep, some familiar names there too. Well, I never realised I was so well connected...

Then Lee, the young man who runs the coffee shop, came across with a piece of cake 'too small to sell.' He gave it to me. Knowing I am quite partial to cake. (Me and Lee, we are mates.) 'Thanks Lee', I said, 'Can you bring me a coffee to go with it ?' (pushing my luck here...) But he was happy to oblige..but only if I paid for the coffee...

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