Tuesday, August 16, 2005

So very tired......

Must be the result of such an emotionally draining weekend - coming back to work on Monday has left me exhausted, and I had an early night, no energy to blog with!

The highlight of Sunday, after my hot bath and cup of tea, was Laura and Mec coming over to show us their engagement ring. It is absolutely beautiful and Laura looked so happy and radiant, I am so happy for them. We celebrated on a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon by curling up and watching The Wedding Singer, just for a laugh. Laura and I lvoed it..I saw Mec, after about half an hour, sneakily take a magazine from the coffee table and start to read. When Laura, who was curled up with him on the big, red sofa gave him one of her looks, he said, 'It's OK, I am watching it, I'm multi tasking!'

Sorry, Mec, but you're a man......

1 comment:

1 i z said...

Monday left me zonked too. Maybe there was something in the air?

I got home from work and spent the next few hours on festival emails and phone calls. Only managed to remember to put something in the oven at about 10.30 pm!

Was just closing everything down a little before midnight, when I got an email from George asking if I could possibly let her have something for tomorrow (had planned to put it off until tonight!). Could barely keep my eyes open as I did it and staggered upstairs to bed.

Not like Liz the night owl at all...
