Saturday, December 01, 2007

August Rush

I arrived home from the weekend away a little later than intended, due to a late lunch stop ina rather nice hotel just off the motorway, where we partook of home made soup, rolls, coffee and home made biscuits, while sitting side by side on a large squishy sofa, with matching laptops on
the table in front of us, and matching i-phones connected, causing some smart ladies-who-lunch to pause and laugh at our endevours and the fact that, sadly, we were enjoying can tell the quality of the venue when I tell you that one guest landed by helicopter on the lawn outside, causing me and the ladies to rush to the window and stare unashamedly to see if it was anyone wasn't.
Anyway, I digress, after an hour or two of useful working (really, we were...) we headed home, and I arrived at my house at the same time as Rosemaries, with whom I had an arrangement for the evening. While C was opening the front door and saying, 'So, you've remembered where you live,' I was hiding behind Rosemarie and saying, 'I'm going out....'
We went out to eat, followed by a trip to the cinema to one of the most cheesiest films I ahev ever seen! It was so awful we had a ball just laughing and taking the p*ss...there were only four other people in the cinema aprt from us, we might have known..if you want a laugh...see's dreadful.....why do good actors agree to be part of films like this????

1 comment:

1 i z said...

Coming from someone who claimed to enjoy Wimbledon, this is a damning review indeed ;-)