Friday, December 07, 2007

So predictable...

..but I don't see it coming. Ever the optimist. Always hope for the best..mostly disappointed. He promised to leave by 10am, and ring me when he was on the road. I didn't hear. I waited. I rang. Voicemail. I texted. No reply. I rang again. Nothing.

At a quarter to one he rang to say he was on his way. Left NY at just gone 12 noon...and we were supposed to be meeting at 2pm..well, I flipped. I lost it. Good job I was in the office on my own. I shouted. I shouted loud. I swore. I put the phone down. I cried. He said he had said he would be back at 2.30pm, not 2pm (not true). I rang back and said he could have the meeting without me. I swore more and said some vicious things. I resigned again. He said he didn't remember saying he would leave by 10am. He did.

I tried to work. I cried some more. Then he rang and said there were delays on the motorway. Oh what a surprise. I knew what I had to do. Knew from the start what I would have to do..ring our clients who were on their way to meet us, and change the meeting to my house, and start it without him. Otherwise we would let them down.

I went home, tried to calm down. Made tea. Greeted our two clients promptly at 3pm, and ran the meeting. He turned up at 4.30pm. Yes, 4.30pm.

The thing is, why do I get upset? Why do I get angry? Why do I cry, shout and swear and make myself ill? Why can't I shrug my shoulders, say, oh well, he's late again, laugh, and carry on..after all, it's not the end of the world. I am the one who gets upset and it ruins my day. Why do I let it get to me?

Why? Because it is about respect. Consideration. Courtesy. And a lot of other things besides. If only I had a sense of humour....


Kathryn said...

Hugs and sympathies, - from one who is nearly ALWAYS late but hates herself for it and realises just how rude it can be.
(I've never ever managed quite HIS degree of lateness anyway...)
Hope that you have a pleasantly relaxing Saturday in compensation.
Much love xxx

Shaun said...

you know, its probably annual performance review time @ sfx, and consistent under performers normally receive poor pay rises. I'd recommend taking 1% off of his salary for every meeting his misses, and see how long it takes before attendance improves...

but then I'm evil :)

sally said...

shaun i love you for your give me wonderful ideas.... :)

Caroline said...

back to you sort my life and i'll sort know what i think! hugs of sympathy none the less.....
