Thursday, January 12, 2006

We are all getting older......

..scary but true. A friend had his birthday on Tuesday - turning 45, and really entering middle age. Surely not? Well, he had the day off work especially, and spent the day clearing out and tidying his wardrobe. Didn't even go out for lunch. I was working late so he did stop by the office and enjoyed a cup of tea and the chocolate and vanilla cheescake kindly provided by M&S. He turned up wearing an old jumper, found in the bottom of the wardrobe, to ask my advice re throwing it away. I am probably not the best person to ask, quite liking the Alan Titchmarsh look in a rugged, cosy, out door sort of way. But it really was quite an old jumper.....

So having arrived looking a tiny bit middle aged in a gardening jumper, he proceeded to tell me about plans for the birthday evening. He had talked about ringing round some friends, to see if anyone fancied a drink. A quiet night at the pub. Well, no wild party then. But when I asked him, he said he had changed his mind, to quote, 'I can't be bothered to go out, I think I'll just stay and have a quiet night in with the wife.' or words to that effect.

Do you think it's time I found a new toy boy?????


1 i z said...

Well you know...I always thought of him as older than that anyway ;-)

Shockingly I've just realise that this makes him just 15 days older than IM.

Reckon it's time we both traded them in for younger models. Shall we go out on the pull together?

sally said...

Oh yes, I'm up for it! I'm starting to feel younger and more energetic again!!!!