Saturday, January 07, 2006

Time to laugh...

OK, so it's time I made you laugh. Earlier this week I went out for a meal with friends, most of them, if not all, will be familiar to most, if not all, of you.

I drove to the Indian restaurant, kindly giving a friend a lift so that he could drink. I then discovered three other friends had got lifts there, hoping I would take them all home.

After the meal - which was excellent, a new Indian restaurant recently opened, and rather special - we headed off to a pub, the Rose and Crown to be precise, where a band was playing, the drummer of which I know. A young band but immensely talented. Impressive live, and their CD equally so. They are called Legions. Watch this space.

Anyway, I drove to the pub with my four friends (all male), three in the back and one in the front. As I reversed into a parking space outside the pub, with ease (I am very proud of my parallel parking) my friend in the front smiled. 'Your parking is so impressive' he said. 'Thank you,' I said. 'Yes, he continued, 'You know exactly what 12 inches is.' Pause. (Sniggers from the back). 'Yes I do' I said, looking meaningfully at the friend. Pause for effect. 'And you don't.' Complete hysteria from boys in the back. I take the key out of the ignition and get out of the car, smiling smugly. Collapse of stout party.


Kathryn said...

I don't suppose there were any Saabs about the place, then, Sally??
Glad you had a good evening :-)

Caroline said...

of course certain friends of yours would compensate with 12 inch wallets....

sally said...

large wallets, large's all compensation!!!!!!

1 i z said...

Sally, I'm so proud of you - a killer line if ever there were one - and I can hear you delivering it in your stern teacher's voice perfectly!

lvoe you!!!!