Friday, August 18, 2006

No wonder I'm thin.....

I never seem to stop...and I'm not eating as much as I used to..mind you, that should read no wonder I'm not quite as fat as I was..thin doesn't really come into it....however, I am still losing weight which is good.

Had a consultant's appointment yesterday morning, at 8am. Can't quite get used to this going private business, I know one shouldn't need to, but we have insurance, and needs must...the scan appointment I had at two days notice, at 7pm, the results were with my GP in two days, and consultant appointment within the week. Don't panic, nothing serious, just the speed of private medicine. The same process on the NHS last year took four months. Too long, too much time for worrying .

He said, as he put his rubber gloves on, that he does early appointments cos it's better than doing the school run, too many shoes, too many coats, too many children, it's easier to come to work. I have every sympathy with him, but whose fault is it he has too many children, given his area of expertise....???

Well, when I was away the other weekend with my cousin, he told me a rude joke...rude, but very know the kind of joke that makes you laugh all over again when you think of it? Well.....lying back on the couch thinking of England, I remembered the joke again (there was a connection, believe me..) and just wanted to roll around took such self control not to..but as he was about to examine me, if I had burst out laughing, it would have put him off his stroke somewhat, and he might have lost confidence with his professional wouldn't have been fair, so I stayed silent...after I think the stress on my face from trying not to laugh, concerned the nurse, who asked kindly if I was all right. 'Fine thanks,' I said beaming. Why can't I be like other patients and look worried?

Anyway, straight to work for a hard day in the office, then off to Laa's new house, where I wallpapered the bedroom wall with the luxury, expensive wallpaper Laa had chosen. And very nice it looks too! Quite green..with white tree and leaf silhouettes..I had it done before Laa came home from work..many late nights this week, and when I met her off the train, Mec had been to the office to help her carry back all the stuff needed for they carried it all... boxes and bags and a suitcase..on the underground and BR I will never know....

1 comment:

Rainbow dreams said...

Sorry Sally I just want to know what the joke was......

that aside, well done on losing weight, and hope all is ok health wise, enjoy greenbelt, Katie x