Saturday, December 03, 2005

Good days and bad days.....

Tuesday was a Bad Day. Wednesday was OK. Woke up feeling desperate on Thursday. Felt ill, really bad...made it into work, late again. But the shopping with Laura was good, we had a fun evening and even achieved soe Christas shopping. Woke up Friday feeling better, more together, and was fairly productive at work. Counselling was good, I talked for an hour and didn't cry at all! Felt I a getting somewhere processing feelings and emotions, although felt altogther over the last week I have not been coping. Decided not to increase anti-depressants, counsellor agreed with e.

However, we did discusss the dreaded enapause, is it that which is making me such a physical and eotional wreck? Should I give HRT a try? I know, I know, no-one wants to talk about it, everyone is too young to want to think about it, but for an over 50 like me....I have to. If I am getting in to this territory, then at least I would know I am not just going mad!! So it might be back to the doctor...

After counselling I have tea with a friend and for a change I do the listening and therapy. I feel together and OK, and am glad to be a sounding board. After which Clive and I go and see Harry Potter and of course, insoniac that I am, I fall asleep befoe the end.

Today I went into St Albans with DC, we had breakfast out and did lots of Christmas shopping and laughed a lot at tacky, battery driven Christmas toys, don't may be heading your way..yes we bought some... had to walk away in one shop when I realised David had istaken custoers for shop assistants, and was about to acost them and ask the questions...rather than let him know his istake, I walked away giggling. I heard 'Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you were customers,' and he followed me, looking slightly ebarrassed. When he realised I knew, he called e a rude name.

We had fun, I did ore shopping, we didn't argue and I didn't get upset. Just a lovely, noral day. Thank you God.


Caroline said...

hug...hope this week goes better. (and that a visit to the doctor proves to be a sensible option)
love you.

I want to write more, if only so that there are more characters here than there are in the word verification box, and so it's worth writing, but no. love you does only have the 7 letters and jhtqbtff has more. Darn.

sally said...

at least your m 's work.