Friday, November 04, 2005

I have tried.....

Really I have. After Liz's helpful comments re the doodle box thing, i did another one, and followed all her instructions, but nothing worked, so i just pressed all sorts of buttons in ever increasing frustration, until something came up and offered to save something, so I saved it to my piccies' folder, then tried to upload it on to my blog. But..sadly, only error messages. So it's not for lack of trying. And it was such a good doodle!

Am still very tired or not sleeping properly, so habe to admit, sometimes can't be bovvered to blog, which is not a good state I know. But went to a conference yesterday, on Important Things I Ought to Know About and slept like a baby through the fifrst 40 min keynote presentation..ooops....I wish i could bring the speaker home to bed with me.....if he just talked for a bit I'd be right off!

Clive has installed a new keyboard which is high up with a wrist support and all the keys are curved and different sizes..I can't ue the wrist spport it hutst and my wrists don;t like the height and the new be honest I would hab thought it was the kind of keyboard you'd buy a disabled person to support thwir hands..and if you thought my typing was bad before, I keep getting the wrong keys because of the curves and strange ky sizes. see, I havbe to stop now cos my hands and wrists are hurting.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

s'ok i still can't do it either. i get absolutley zero reaction when i press the prtscn key. tho i suspect that's more to do woith my computer having been set up for and by work than anything to do with the quality of liz's teaching....

i love the sound of your new keyboard. so what possessed your husband?