Monday, November 07, 2005

I hate the hurting.... feel so helpless, don't you? I haven't had the feeling for a while, I'd forgotten how horrible it is. Like I used to hurt when my mum was anxious, ill and unhappy, I hurt so much for her, and my dad when he was so ill and alone.

Before that I have hurt for my children..when relationships went wrong, or they were unhappy at Uni, I was always the one they would talk to. But I always felt so helpless...... Strange that recently, everyone around me, close to me, has been happy, their lives sorted, nothing for me to worry about..and yet I have been so depressed!!!! Now things are not going well for James, he is hurting so much, and I am there for him to talk to, but actually can't do anything..I have to watch and hear his hurting and sadness....and I hate it. It's like a pain inside, and I realise how good it has been in recent months because both my children were happy.

Life is so complicated...I wish it could be easy. But it isn't. Sometimes it hurts like hell.


Caroline said...

this is a wonderful blog entry - it sums up so much, so beautifully. I'm glad J has got such an amazing mum - and that I have her as a friend!

1 i z said...

And Sally can I add that from first hand experience: even when there is nothing you can do about a situation, it means a lot to know that I have a friend like you who cares.

I suspect J feels the same way.

Kathryn said...

Can only agree, with C and L but also with you about how much it does hurt to watch those we love hurting. Hugs all round, I think x