Friday, November 02, 2007

The morning after...

You know I hadn't been sleeping well. The night before the party had been particularly bad. So I was used to being awake most of the night, and fell in to bed at 5.30am at the lvoely Liz's, only to sleep until 8.30am. A whole 3 hours! Then from 8.30am until 10.30am..quite the best night's sleep for ages.

I showered and went downstairs at the same time as Martin, to discover Liz about to cook breakfast. I said no at first, I was still extremely full from the night before, but as she was cooking bacon, I thought I might as well have a rasher. Or two. And a sausage, Oh, are you doing eggs? Ok i ended up with a plateful too, and we sat and ate and chatted and it was lovely and relaxing and chilled....

Until I realsied I had to leave and get my train, and I had left my glasses at S& K's house, so we jumped in the car, and I ahd to accept I would miss my train. Never mind,I would get on Martin's train and change at Milton Keynes. I would get to Watford at 5pm instead of 4pm, but never mind.

We did a dash to Heaton, Liz dropped us off and we ran down the stairs. The wrong stairs. We had to run back up, out of the station, across the bridge and down the other stairs...just in time to see the train pull we ran back up the stairs, across the bridge, and back to Liz who was waiting, just in case.

Then followed a drive to Stockport to catch up wit the train, with Liz telling us in no uncertain terms that she wouldn't do this at every station....oh..meanie...anyway, we made it in time, and jumped on a packed train, and managed to get seats near enough to talk. Which we did until we fell asleep, and napped all the way to Milton Keynes.

I bid Martin goodbye, and hopped off to sit and wait half an hour for my connection. I made yet another phone call to organise my lift home.

When Martin texted later, 'Did you get home alright?' my texted reply was, 'I rang DC who promised to pick me up, but cos I was later, he didn't want to, so I rang Clvie who was busy and sounded inconvenienced, and annoyed about the timing and traffic, so I sat on the platform and felt tearful and unwanted. But he did pick me up. So ...that is a girlie reply to your blokey question, and yes I did.'

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Well, I'm glad you DID get home because we are missing you on your computer...
Sorry it was a complicated journey, though. x