Wednesday, September 06, 2006

And here are the details....

Chapter 4. In which Sally Prepares for an Interview.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

I was offered the interview the day before I came to GB. So I left it until my return to read the 43 page document on Child Protection, on which Questions Would be Asked. As you can imagine, having existed on about 8 hours sleep altogether the previous week, every time I sat down to read it I went to sleep. Instantly. Like a brick. I tried on the sofa, at the table, in bed. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. A long, dry document which did not make exciting reading. But I got through it. Once. By Sunday.

Monday evening, as you know, was not a happy one and I retired to bed cross and stressed, wrote a long e-mail to DC to try and apologise (sort of, cos it's never my fault, and he was cross and stressy too, and we had a domestic over msn with steve and liz as bewildered referees, but more of that another time...) and I was upset that we had a miserable evening, and I had a headache..and I sat up in bed to read the document again.. at least three pages before falling asleep.

At 7am I tried again, and this time highlighted particular words with a highlighter pen, to show willing. I ironed my clothes, dressed and arrived in the office to do a bit of work. It occurred to me I ought to practice the 5 min training bit I had to do, which was just an idea in my head. I had written nothing down. So my secretary willingly sat in front of a flip chart while I wrote some headings and spoke enthusiastically for 5 mins on lines of responsibility and accountability. OK? OK. Not exciting, but she understood..and what is more important, I understood, although I was aware that the PMT and lack of sleep meant my brain wasn't supplying the right words to my mouth as quickly as I would like....well, I would busk it anyway, I usually do....

So I bid MA farewell and jumped in the car and headed for the station and the car park. For which you need money. The right money.....

1 comment:

Caroline said...

stop it! it' hurts to laugh this much.....