Friday, October 24, 2008

Introducing Millie....

A visit to the RSPCA soon after we lost Sophie, to show them pictures of the rescue dog we gave a home to 15 years ago, a very happy 15 years, led the girls there telling me about 2 year old lady dog that had just come in to the rescue home with a litter of 8 puppies. She was a lvoely dog, similar to Sophie, and she would need rehoming once the puppies were gone. We agreed to come in and see her the next week.

So in we went, Laura, Clive and I, to see the mummy dog who was lovely. But Clive picked up one of the little black puppies..and was smitten. I took him outside for a talk. Do we really want a puppy? They are hard work. It will grow big....I was the sensible, rational one, he was soft and wanting a puppy..the biggest role reversal in the world!!!
And so it was, on Thursday evening, that Millie came into our lives. And our kitchen.....

Millie sitting in the office at the RSPCA, quietly waiting to be collected....

Millie asleep in her basket in the kitchen, worn out by the process of coming to her new home....aaaah.....


Rainbow dreams said...

she looks adorable and so so sweet... butter wouldn't melt, would it? :) am pleased you have her in your family, x

1 i z said...

aw bless, how cute is she?!?!?!

Glad you have a new doggie - may she give you as much joy and love as the very wonderful Sophie dog did.

I have a sneaking suspicion you'll give her a far dollop of love and care :-)

Disillusioned said...

She is, as I think I have already said, so very cute. Glad she is bringing you pleasure.