Sunday, January 13, 2008

Famous last words.....

Why do I do it? Why do I blog that 'I am doing really well, haven't cried in weeks, am really stable....the very next day, wham, something happens to completely undo all that, pulls the rug out from under me, and I spend two days crying more tears than a river..and I can't seems like there is a well of either sadness or anger deep inside, and once I let the lid off, it feels like I will completely lose it..this time it wasn't the anger, so no objects were thrown, no-one got hurt, but the hurt and sadness in words.....

I have managed to contain it all somehow, but it wasn't how I wanted to start 2008!!! There are so many complex issues involved, not going into it all here, but still, I am somehow holding it all together for now.....

Work is mixed, we have had some unexpected donations, including one for £10,000 which we take all year to raise and lots of hard work! We have also been put forward for an award, which has meant some interviews with an assessment panel, it was fun, and I think we did well, we won't know until June. We are also going to take part in a Sp**d Volunt**ring evening, a bit like sp**d dating but you recruit volunteers rather than a partner. The local paper is doing some publicity for us next week, and I am really, really busy, visiting families and starting a new volunteers' training course, being busy does help!

And it was someone's birthday this week..someone who is gadget boy..and I found the most wonderful present!!!!!:
Yes, it is a 5 in 1 tape measure, with a calculator, pen, and...yes, post it notes!!! Oh, that's only 4 things..oh well, I expect it has a light, or does the hoovering or something, but I thought it was perfect.....


Caroline said...

he doesn't deserve you.xc

1 i z said...

Can we make suggestions for what the 5th useful facility should be?

Maybe, an automatic wallet tracer, or a teleportation device that whisked him to the place he was supposed to be half-an hour ago?

Caroline said...

only 1/2 an hour ago Liz?

Kathryn said...

I suppose some sort of alarm clock function would be just too obvious (and easy to ignore)
Sally - we love you. You do KNOW that I take it??
((Sally)) xxxx

Rainbow dreams said...

sending warm thoughts and hugs from here Sally

Disillusioned said...

Great gadget!
Thinking of you - sorry it is tough again.

Kathryn said...

Just thought I'd drop in with a hug in case you needed one ((Sally))

Disillusioned said...

Popping by to offer a hug as well.