However, she has been a bir poorly recently, and I was worried about her over Christmas, something wasn't right, she wasn't herself, so Laa and I took her to the vet. She is supposed to have low protein special renal food which I buy from the vet, but I had discovered that C, who now shops and generally runs the house, hadn't bothered, but had bought her puppy food from M*rris*ns instead (loud groaning from Merlin at this point , as One Who Knows...) and when I told the vet he told us he couldn't be feeding her on anythign worse, as puppy food is high in protein which was doing her no good at all, and no wonder she was feeling rotten.
I left it to Laa to tell her dad he was killing the dog, as he takes no notice of me, and we took home a crate of proper food. Subseqently she got a lot better, but since Christmas has also suffered two minor strokes and other symptoms of her kidney failure which meant another trip to the vet and four different medicines! I got very adept at squirting syringes of medicine into her mouth!
She is doing ok, still loving her (short) walks and being bouncy quite often, and still sleeping in my bedroom and looking cute in her doggy bed.....the medication meant that she stopped that awful wretching that was waking me up at all hours.
Question..what is worse than hearing a doggie, sleeping at the foot of your bed, bringing up her breakfast on the carpet? Answer..the sound of her eating it again a few minutes later....
What goes through their little heads? Oooh..I'm a bit peckish, oh, there's my breakfast again, I think I'll have it a second time, what luck.....