Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Decision made....
There is a lot going on for me in life, work and stuff, which of course I can't blog about, but it's there. One issue which came to a head yesterday is that my secretary has been off work more or less since Christmas, apart from the odd day, looking after her elderly parents..and now just her mum..I have been trying to manage the work load, and support her as a friend and manager, now her dad has died, and it hit me yesterday that I took very little time off to be with my mum and dad, especially my dad when he was so ill and alone, and it's bought all that back for me, and I wish I had taken more time off and gone to stay with him and look after him, and I just was distraught yesterday that I put work first..ended up running a training session for volunteers with red and swollen eyes and only just kept it together...
Anyway, I managed to make it into work again today, wearing my glasses to hide the eyes! And I attended a professionals meeting to try to help a young mum suffering from depression...know how she feels...
Anyway, anyway, nothing like a trip to the cinema with a friend to cheer one up! I let Rosemarie choose the film, a nice film about Scotland, or so I thought..well, no...what a film! The story of Idi Amin, President of Uganda, that had Rosemarie hiding under my coat at the nasty bits..but a brilliant film all the same. We ended up going for a coffee, and talking so much, that we left and a waiter followed us out to tell us, so politely, we hadn't paid....ooh, we could have been arrested and been in the papers....
I could also have heard, courtesy of Liz, a bit of The Feeling's I Love It When You Call, but I missed it, cos I was on the phone to DC at the time...some will appreciate the irony of that statement..which reminds me, I should remember to turn my phone off in the cinema...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Nearly time....
Monday, February 26, 2007
No, keep smiling. Keep busy. Keep working. Just.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
A scandalous evening...
It was another good film, with wonderful performances from Judi Dench, Cate Blanchett (much prettier than I remember her) and Bill Nighy..I lvoe Bill, a great comic actor with impeccable timing, but as with Hugh Grant, can be a little this film he is different, and the screaming row with Cate is spot on...I know incandescent anger when I see it, and I often feel like screaming like that!!!!
Judi Dench's character change dimension as the story unfolded, and I was genuinely surprised at what developed...truly scary...
Oh well, I ought to try and get some sleep..I was so bored and yet wide awake last night I was looking people up on Friends Reunited until gone 1am!!! Hoped for someone to pop up on-line and say hello, but you have all got lives...or else you were asleep...
Saturday, February 24, 2007
So I watched Laa getting new trainers and boots..and we fitted in a tea and cake we were walking through the shopping centre, we passed a stand selling Vibrating Massage Cushions...I giggled, then went eeuw..that's rude, fancy sitting on a vibrating massage cushion..that's really rude....Laa fixed with a stare worthy of Saffy in Ab Fab, and said, 'Really mother, they are for shoulders and necks.' Then it dawned on did my daughter get to be so wise??
A risk that worked out...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Cheesy and proud of it....
Thursday, February 22, 2007
And I thought I was dim....
'So what was the question?' I asked. 'Oh we had a invitation to a party and we thought it was from you or Dave.' Really? 'Yeah, but it's a family friend/relative and it's not in St *lb*ns, it's in Br*df*rd.'
Oh, right. Pause. And I thought I was the one who was not very bright????
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
And the music was good too....
Clive tutted in a resigned sort of way..and it made Jacky laugh..anyway, I lied, it was only partly true, the London Phil Orch were playing and the programme was excellent..and Thomas played the most wonderful cello solo piece..a good time was had by all...(I recounted all this on msn last night to DC, who accused me of being shallow. Moi???)
I came home hungry, on account of having not eaten, and a conversation earlier in the week with someone about eating cereal as a child, before going to bed, must have stuck because I suddenly fancied a bowl of weetabix with ice cold milk. Mmmm....
This morning I logged on and found that the e-mail from Tony Bliar re the road pricing had gone into my junk-mail box. Clever laptop for working that one out....
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Hmmmm.did I do it right???
60 % Nerd, 21% Geek, 26% Dork
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd.
The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer. Being smart isn't as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful.
Monday, February 19, 2007
A better evening....
So I came home from work, planning my evening home alone while C is at his web design evening class. I waited I was really really hungry, got out the wok, added extra virgin olive oil, freshly ground salt and pepper, then prepared to add the chicken pieces, stir fry fresh vegetables and noodles. I looked for the bag..everywhere..then it dawned on me, that will be the bag of shopping still on the floor by my desk....
Good job I had that pizza and garlic bread put by..not as healthy but very yummy..I put my feet up and watched The Bad Mother's handbook. I have read the book and enjoyed it, and lvoed this dramatisation. Good to see Catherine Tate playing something different...I liked her in this..strong performances all round.
Tucked up in bed now. Feeling tons better. Maybe I will sleep tonight....
How sad am I.....
Found a pic of me amongst my dad's publicity pic when I left drama college. When all of life was in front of me...all my dreams yet to be realised...I paid a lot of money to have 100 printed, and sent them out to agents. Paid a lot of money to have the pic included in Spotlight that year too. Waited for the offers of work to pour in...not.
Gosh, I looked so peaceful then didn't I? I'm sure I had a real sense of peace and inner calm. It must still be around here somewhere....given that the pic was thirty years ago, it was nice to find it kept amongst my father's things..I had no idea he still had it...
Saturday, February 17, 2007
A Hard Day's Night, Part the Second
It's been the last couple of matter what time I go to sleep, I am awake again, and a time check makes it half past two. I hate that, because there is a Long Night Ahead. I just wake up, instantly, and am Awake. Not brain is as awake as if I hadn't been asleep. And there is no reason. I am not thinking about anything. I am not worried. Just Awake.
A few nights ago, I was awake at the usual 2.30am. Went back to sleep. Woke up. 3.30am. Slept. Woke up. 4.30am.......repeat...5.30am.....6.30am. Stayed awake then.
You would think I would then be dog tired during the day. I'm not..and you know how easily I fall asleep I Made Plans.
First, drink De-Caff coffee in the evening (thank you Maria for buying some and leaving it in my cupboard...) altho I think it has nothing to do with it, I always take a coffee to bed and it makes no difference, but hey, I'll try anything....then, get rid of the dog..Sophie sleeps in a basket in my room, and she is restless, wriggly and snuffly..she gets up and shakes herself, scratches at the carpet and is generally a nuisance. Is she keeping me awake?? So this night (after my day with James, as described in my last post) I went to bed early-ish, didn't bring my computer to bed..put the dog in Clive's room, shut my door, drank my de-caff, read the paper and waited to feel sleepy. And waited....
I lay down to sleep. I slept. Woke up. Half past 2. B*gger. Now I have using some new moisturising cream...and my legs felt itchy..I scratched..they got more itchy. I tossed and turned, tried to sleep, no, brain is too awake, legs too itchy. I wonder what it is. Have I got Itchy Legs syndrome, and I will always have it now, and never sleep again...I get to the point where I realise I am not going to sleep. I hatch a plan..I put the light on. I sit up and look at my legs...oh dear.....little red bites dotted**dy h*ll, the dog has fleas and my banishing her next door they have come and found me. B*gger.
I go downstairs, hunt in the medicine cupboard and find anti-histamines to stop the itching..with any luck they'll cause drowsiness and stop me from using machinery at the same time..I take out 2 ibruprofen for luck, they might help me sleep, and I also make a mug of hot milk and add a generous tot of you know I don't like whiskey, but my mummy used to give me this medicinally if I was ill and couldn't sleep, and I thought it tasted nasty, but now I like the associated comfort, if that makes sense. Last but not least, Time for a Little Something. 4 digestives. Cos I didn't have any dinner, and it could be hunger keeping me awake...
So I go back to bed, read the local paper (nothing too stimulating) pop pills, drink my alcoholic drink, eat biscuits, wait to feel sleepy. And wait. And wait. Finally I decide to lie down and see what happens..I look at my's a quarter past 4.
Next thing I know it's 7.15am and Clive is bringing me my tea. Time to get up..and I am bl**dy sleepy now. C'est la vie.
Friday, February 16, 2007
A Hard Day's Night...
I worked on my laptop at home and didn't make it in to the office before leaving for Stansted at 20 to 11..a clear run meant I was there by 11.30 and trying to park near the terminal..the clever layout means that's impossible unless you are just picking up/dropping off..nowhere to actually leave the car without risk of clamping..the very near car parks were full, so I parked a couple of minutes walk away, but noted it was a flat walk straight into the terminal..ok for a wheelchair....
I waited an age..then James appeared in an airport wheelchair being pushed by a work colleague, who handed him over and went off to get his train. I took over and set off pushing large 6' 4" son and bag to the car park...a lot of it was down hill, so I was trying not to lose control..from what James was saying, even his brief experiences of being in a wheel chair had not been good ones....
Anyway, I got him to the car, eased him in, seeing, as he stood up, how twisted his back was, one shoulder was about 6 inches higher than the other. I asked if he wanted to come home with me to be looked after, but he said no, he would rather go back to his flat. So we drove into London, arriving in H*ghgate about 2pm, and went into a lvoely pub for a late lunch. I really, really had to get into the office, but what the heck..we were talking and sharing and it was good quality time...
Then I drove him to his flat for about 3.15pm, when he did the comedy routine of going to get his keys out of his pocket and doing all that patting of pockets and frantic searching which resulted keys. A phone call to the hotel in Italy confirmed they were in his James is very organised and tidy and hate can imagine how he coped with this next setback, to add to a wasted trip to Italy, two days and a night in the same clothes because he couldn't undress or dress himself..his bed, painkillers and all he wanted were upstairs in his flat...
I said, not to worry, he was unwell, just about coping, these things happen, the hotel will post the keys back. And then I said..really I did, because the idea of a Purposeful Life is still in my head, all happens for a Purpose...'James, this is just God's way of telling you to come home with your mummy.' He looked at me for a second, then rang his girlfriend, asking her to kindly leave work early and kindly go to her flat and let him in to stay the night..oh, well that told me... and to think he used to need me....
So back in the car..not further into London to A's flat, but back up to H*ghgate to the public toilets as by then we were both desperate!!! After that visit I headed back into London to A's flat, arriving about 4pm and giving up all hope of getting into work today. I was given a cup of tea and a penguin..ooh, haven't had one of those in ages, haven't they got smaller, they were huge when I was a child...
I sat on a chair and J and A bagged the sofa. A was due to go to a party this evening, and J was encouraging her to go, she was saying, no she would rather stay in with a cripple..well she didn't say that, but you get the drift. Then the TV went on, and Quantam Leap started, and they were both excited..ooh, who is he going to be this two little kids...I felt surplus to requirements so said my goodbyes and left, heading back out to St Alb*ns, arriving at 6.30pm..that will be the day gone. I walked in the door, sat down at the dining room table, switched on my laptop and started work on my newsletter. By 10.30pm I had it done, and figured I needed to stop and get some sleep....but no..I'll tell you next time....
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Frustration, frustration.....
Then, when he acknowledged someone else's contribution on another subject, and left me out again, despite having been reminded on previous occasions of my involvement..and two or three people at the table were kind enough to say. ''and Sally...' I found myself saying, 'Look, you either accept that I am round the table here or I may as well go home.'..rather sharply, and heard several intakes of breath round the table...
To give the chair his due, he paused, said, 'Um...I've lost my thread now...' and then carried on as if nothing had happened. But...he did start to give me eye contact for the rest of the something worked. And then we had lunch together in the pub after as if nothing had happened. Nothing was said. How terribly British.....but...I said my bit. And it needed to be said.
My other frustration, apart from my secretary still being away and my colleague taking half term off, so I am on my own this week trying to deal with a million things apart from what I should be, ie volunteers and families...the Internet is still down, my newsletter is nearly two weeks i bring it home to do on my laptop last night because I have internet connection and can therefore access clipart as I work.......
Except for last night..the broadband was too slow, nothing worked, the clip art wouldn't download, my document kept crashing and I couldn't access any web sites....I worked out it was somehow the fault of Valentine's day and the world and his wife/girlfriend/mistress was on-line. B*gger to all of them (bah humbug) but it made me turn the pc off at 10pm before I blew a fuse, and I had an early night.
This morning, I have sat up in bed and worked for a hour or so, internet is back to normal, clip art accessed.
Will I get all my work done today? No. Because James, who hurt his back in Hong Kong flew out to Italy yesterday and his back went again on the plane..he has spent 24 hours in the hotel airport unable to move, didn't go to the factories to see the upholstery for his furniture..and has been put in a wheel chair and on to a plane home this can imagine how the phone call from him yesterday added to my stress...I felt so helpless...but today I am driving to Stanstead to bring him home....
The other thing I did to help was to ring the hotel in the Cotswolds to cancel his booking for a romantic weekend away with A. He told her before he left Weds morning. She was so excited. Not going to happen this I said, frustration, frustration.....
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Did I forget something?
Well, luckily the hotel in which I was staying lad little emergency bags in reception, which were free! Now there's a thing..I can't remember what items were in the bag, except for the dinky little traveller's toothbrush in a small clear glass took out the toothbrush and fitted it on the end of the container and it became the know the sort of thing...also in the container was a miniature tube of toothpaste...aah....
Now I was so chuffed with my little free gift, that I decided to keep it permanently in my toilet bag, for stays away, just the thing. I was away last night, and was at great pains to pack my toilet bag, contact lens stuff, shampoo, shower gel, flannel, creams, potions, you name it.....I was so proud of myself for remembering everything...
I packed my overnight case with clothes etc, and off I went...only when I got there and toilet bag. Forgot it. Whole bl**dy thing. How do I do it? Where is my brain? Fortunately, I managed..I had various items separate in my bag...face cream, make up...had to put my contact lenses in a glass of water in the bathroom..thankfully I didn't get up in the night and drink them...
I had to use the hotel shower gel and shampoo (no conditioner, my hair was like straw) and I had no flannel to wash with....
Could someone be my packing buddy next time I go away????
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Feel, think, do.....
I guess we all spend our lives feeling, thinking and doing. I do, in endless circles, trying to make sense of my feelings, which very often tend to overwhelm me, and I lose my sense of self in strong, passionate, often painful feelings. So I am ' heart' person?? I don't know, because I think about stuff constantly..think and think, analyse, what if..should I...I shouldn't..I ought..I wonder..why? How? What next? And such thinking leads to actions being taken because of intellect, the mind, so am I a 'head' person???
In truth the heart and mind are sometimes in tune, sometimes in total opposition, that the constant battle is the moment I am going through a phase of not sleeping - waking up at around 5am and then being unable to get back to sleep, so much going on in my head....
Conclusion..doing ok....balancing heart and mind...probably very slightly depressed, but otherwise doing ok....
Our church is launching their lent home group programme, called 40 Days of Purpose - based on an American book and a programme which has swept America. The launch was at 4pm on Saturday afternoon and I intended not to go. Clive had mentioned it a few times, and when I said, again, I was not going, he was disappointed. Just come and see what you think, he said, it will only be an hour, an introduction and tea. Not long, just come and's like indoctrination into the Moonies, isn't it..sounds so harmless...
I reluctantly agreed to go with him..what there I am freezing in church on Saturday afternoon in front of a big screen for the video presentation from California. Our minister explains the process..time of video..we get our packs..will be over by 6.30pm probably...I look at Clive..that is two and half hours... he looks guilty... I sit and watch and listen.. and feel.... and think... and at the end go up the front during the final hymn to get my pack. I sign up to a house group.
As the preacher in the small Californian church (c 3,000, noted: all very white, good looking, expensive clothes..get the picture?) said, 'If you are sat in church listening to this, it is no accident. God wants you to be here. This message is for you.'
Of course, the message is that my purpose in life (book to study: Living the Purposeful Life) is to Worship God, to serve God in Discipleship, to find my Ministry (in church), to live in Fellowship with my fellow Christians and find my Mission (in the World) . Just be a vessel for God. He uses old and new vessels. Big and small. But not dirty ones. Only clean ones.
Do I go, dear reader? Do I go to these lent house groups and be challenged anew? Should I rediscover God's purpose for my life? Is God calling me to go?
By chance, after this challenging afternoon, where the Californian preacher touched my raw nerve by saying it was our duty to bring people to God, otherwise people die and spend eternity without that's what happened to my parents, so comforting..... we were invited to a party..Clvie decided not to go (not big on social gatherings) and H did something else, so it was that DC and I found ourselves going together - I drove so he could drink - and I asked if we could talk first - so we found a pub and I talked all about The Purposeful Life, and my faith, or lack of it, and his faith, and making sense of our lives in the eyes of God...until it was a quarter to ten and we were almost two hours late for the party...
We arrived in sombre mood after such a long heavy but valuable conversation. We found the party to be (as we might have suspected) as lively as a wake after a funeral, with a few serious people sitting round talking, but not much fun. 'Thank goodness you two have arrived to liven things up,' appeared to be the general message. Even being fairly low key, just talking to people, mostly old friends from the theatre group I used to run, and people remembering coming to rehearsal, and meeting me, the director, and saying how in awe they had been of me then!!! Oh yes, my life had a purpose then...
David and I had bought the 'It's in the bag' game, and we got the last final group to sit down and play, and kept the party going until midnight...while playing, David leading one team and me another, the friendly rivalry and teasing and jokes led to several occasions when people were laughing and completely helpless, tears pouring down their this my fellowship? My ministry, to cheer, make people laugh, share my friendship, humour, dare I lvoe? God is lvoe isn't he?
I dropped David at a friend's house where H had ended up, so he could continue socialising (and drinking!) and drove home.
I sat in bed, then lay in bed waiting for sleep. 1am. Feel, think, do. Feeling...slightly sad..but strong. Ok..a survivor.... thinking..what do I do? DO? Sleep. Until 5am. A whole four hours. Then I wake..thinking...
Friday, February 09, 2007
Snow news is good news....
So we had to cancel our volunteers' training day, I gave N the day off as her son was at home and I know she wanted to go out sledging and making snowmen...MA was snowed in at her parent's I alone struggled out and -watched by the disbelieving neighbours - cleared six inches of snow off my car, and made it slowly along the road, sliding a bit, until I main road and all was ok...
The small roads near my office were snowy and slippy and cars were all over the place, so I parked and walked in..carefully....
I did some work, went to the bank and realised the town was a ghost town, so I took a management decision that as it was still snowing, I was in danger of being snowed in, so I e-mailed some stuff home, and drove carefully home...
At home, heating up high, doggy curled at my feet, i-tunes playing, I sat at the dining room table and worked, watching the snowflakes cover the garden and make it look even more beautiful...
I had bought supplies on the way home...soup, rolls...a donut....a home-made chocolate chip cookie....a bar of chocolate covered marzipan..well, two; one for the journey home, and one for when I got home..I think we can safely say this diet is not going very well..I weigh more now than when I started..I blame the snow...
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Snowy garden...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Last night....can I find the words???
My phone rings then and DC announces he is at Stevenage half an hour early, having inadvertently caught an earlier connection when he changed trains, and finding himself pulling into Stevenage when he wasn't expecting it (he was on the phone!) and having to grab all his stuff and fall out on to the platform..I point out that I have just sat down with a cup of tea and he has no right to be early...he decided to get a taxi as he needs a sit down and a bit if quiet to get over the shock of being half an hour early for the first time in his life...
When he arrives at Laura's I open the door, and there is DC, he throws me his coat, pushes past me and runs upstairs shouting, 'Where's the loo?' and vanishes, leaving the taxi outside with the meter running as he was so desperate for a pee...then he comes down and goes out and pays the driver. who is looking amused..he has earned 60p for that pee....Laura makes David a cup of tea, and I tell him about Liz being not too far away, doing training for other budding s*wage *ngineers, and we start to imagine the test questions at the end of the day....I just have to text Liz the results, starting with, 'If Billy at no. 33 does a poo at 9.23am into the outflow into his street, how many other people will have to...' and so it goes on, really stupid...Liz's reply reduces me to giggles as she is amazed I have guessed one of the exam questions exactly, except the name is Bobby, not Billy, and we go on to exchange more bizarre questions, involving..well, you don't want to know, but suffice it to say her replies reduce me to such hysterics that I can't read them out, and I am crying with laughter, which makes David helpless, and Laura is just sitting under her duvet on the sofa watching in sad disbelief....
Eventually it is time for us to drive to our meeting, which is an important public meeting to do with a Christian Festival David and I are working with (another one) and I am wearing my new posh suit and want to look good, and Laura points out that I have laughed/cried all my make-up off, so I have to raid her make up bag to repair the damage....
Well, we set off and I am driving the hour/hour and a half to this meeting, and DC, unusually the passenger, is telling me about his day, and the fact his back is playing up and he has been drinking lots of water which is good for him...the journey passes pleasantly enough until we hit the town we are heading for, and sat nav tries to tell me I can go down streets that are obviously one way the other way, and so I have to make it up, but we are really early, plenty of time no worries, and then DC starts to say he needs a pee...nearly there I say, driving happily on, and he says, look, there's a garage, oops too late, I've missed the turning...then on the other side he spots a, I can't turn, someone too close behind, sorry, missed that too..I'll stop soon...
Suddenly David starts making strange noises, he undoes his seatbelt and starts scratching at the door handle, saying, 'I need a pee, I'm having a panic attack, I need to go now...' and of course I start laughing cos I think he is messing about, then I realise he isn't and is in the middle of a full scale anxiety attack about his immediate need to pee, but my laughing kind of makes him laugh, which makes it worse..oh no I am on the town's ring road and he is staying, stop, pull in, pull in, but I can't..then up ahead I see a turning and a building with lights, it's a hotel I think, 'Pull in, pull in, ' he is shouting as he is opening the door on the bend...
I pull in and it is a small industrial estate, and a yard, no-where to go, but there are some bushes at the end of the yard and a couple of industrial wheelie bins.. 'Let me out ..NOW..' as I slam on the brakes, he jumps out and vanishes into the bushes behind the wheelie bins, and I turn the car round so I can't see and my headlights aren't aiming his way..a couple of cars come down into the yard, and I hope he doesn't get spotted in the the time he returns I have again been reduced to helpless giggles and have cried all my make-up off again...he is in shock from experiencing what maybe his first panic attack..and he wishes I would stop laughing....
Anyway, we make it to the meeting in a big town centre church, over 200 people attend, and we join in and get to sit on the platform at the front, and are introduced as the professionals who will make this festival happen....
After, we decide we are hungry, and so find a little Italian for a pizza (we share and ask if can have a choice of toppings on each half..) I have the veggie option on my half, and David has the meat feast on his half, much to the confusion of the waitress..we stay and talk far too long, and soon it is 11.30pm..time to head back, and I make sure he goes to the little boy's room before we leave....
In a bizarre ending to the evening, I get home just before 1am, hoping I am not in trouble for being late, but sure C will be well asleep..anyway I am wide awake and go to the kitchen to make a coffee...suddenly C appears on the stairs, asking, who is it, and on discovering me, says he thought I was away training and wasn't expecting me back - no, I said, I told you I was at a meeting with DC - oh yes, I forgot, I am sleeping in your bed as I thought you were away..ok..I go up with my coffee and there he is back in bed, so as I undress I ask him how his day has been and look forward to company on a cold night..suddenly he gets up, picks up his watch, glasses and alarm clock and starts to leave..where are you going I ask? Back to my own bed, I can't sleep with you talking, and so he leaves.
I sit up in bed drinking my coffee, and thinking, it's a funny old life..what shall I blog about in the morning?
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A wonderful evening....and a surprise!!!
Yes, I've seen the film a dozen times, but it was still a good way to spend a Saturday night in, it still made me laugh, not least because of the character Spike, and the performance by Rhys Ifans, who is the star of the movie, really.
Anyway, moving on to last night, I went to the theatre with Jill: we went to the Donmar Warehouse in Covent Garden, one of our favourite theatres, it is so small and intimate, and from our seat in the second row we could almost touch the stage and the actors..the play was Don Juan in Soho..riveting from the opening second, and with the arrival of Don Juan, the main character, we were hooked. He was a real lothario, tall, thin as a rake, good looking, a powerful deep, theatrical voice which filled the theatre, and he stole the show for the whole time he was on stage, which was every second.
He was magnetic, and reminded me of a young Peter O'Toole I thought, and a similarity to someone else, I couldn't put my finger on annoyed was I not to have a programme, I hate not knowing...
Afterwards, I found a cast list and searched for the leading man's name...oh f**ing was..wait for it..Rhys Ifans. Looking like this:
..the same, but not the same...and oh, what a Don Juan, he strutted about the stage with the self assurance of one who knows he is 'absolutely f*ckable'...having ladies left, right and centre, as he desires, the ultimate cad, but I bet there was not one lady there last night who wouldn't have said yes if he had come on to them, such was his appeal....
The scene in the hospital where he sits with a girl under a blanket giving him a bl*w job, whilst he is coming on to the girl sitting next to him was exquisite comedy....and the part where he lambasts society, the cult of celebrity, the ipod and even the blog...wonderful, just wonderful...
What a cad. What a user. But you couldn't help but love him. And to find out that no more than 6 feet away from me all night, so absolutely in character I didn't recognise him...Rhys Ifans. F*cking brilliant.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Almost home...
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Sally's crazy kitchen.....
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Homeward bound...
I hope he enjoys his weekend off. After the two weeks working and travelling he has done he deserves it!!!
I was supposed to be going shopping with Laa after work last night, but she texted me to say she was off with flu-like symptoms, and so I went round and made us both a cup of tea and kept her company..she had got as far as the sofa and was snuffling under a duvet..she was watching a really cheesy American film called, 'Remember I will always lvoe you..' about a child who was stolen as a baby finding his parents again as a teenager..have seen it before but didn't stop me watching it again!
As Mec was going out for the night, Laa decided she would like company, so I was persuaded to stay for a Chinese takeaway, and we watched Lost in Translation - one of Laa's favourite films, but I've not seen it before. I really liked it, and the quality of so much unknown or unexpected in it..especially the ending....
This morning her two bridesmaids came round here with Laa and tried on the dresses. They look really good! Now they have all gone shopping to find matching amazing to see all three, friends since they were 5 at infants school, all grown up and helping to plan Laa's wedding....
Now I am the only one with out an outfit...sob....
Friday, February 02, 2007
Crazy world....
Crazy world at work, so much to do, still no Broadband....even the calm, unflappable IT guy we are now paying is losing his cool at the call centre in India: every time we ring, they won't progress the problem from the last call, they start again, and say, we need to do a line test, it will take 24 far about 4 line tests and no solution. Eventually he spoke to someone, a lvoely lady called Janet somewhere in the UK who admitted they were having major technical problems, with everything, and they weren't we have asked them for a code which enables us to change our broadband supplier, and have told them, don't bother fixing our line, ok? And for anyone interested, zen broadband is looking like the preferred option.....
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Hot news from China....
Nearly brought a supermarket to a standstill last night. Making me quite paranoid. Tomorrow should be fairly straight forward tho, a return visit. The on to Hong Kong on the ferry. Hurrah!! Book going well. Love J.'
Dear J, you do brighten my day! And what book are you reading?' Mx
'I do hope you're not being sarcastic!! The Michael Palin book of course. Want Graham Chapman's book now! J.'
I bought him M Palin's autobiography for Christmas. J is a great fan of Monty Python. Glad it has seen him round China!!! I wonder if his being 6' 4" has anything to do with him being stared at.....
Managed to listen to Chasing Cars at full volume four times whilst writing this!! Lvoe it!
Blog Archive
- Decision made....
- Nearly time....
- Well?
- A scandalous evening...
- Shopping....
- A risk that worked out...
- Cheesy and proud of it....
- And I thought I was dim....
- And the music was good too....
- Hmmmm.did I do it right???
- A better evening....
- How sad am I.....
- A Hard Day's Night, Part the Second
- A Hard Day's Night...
- Frustration, frustration.....
- Did I forget something?
- That's two posts I have lost being a lon...
- Feel, think, do.....
- Snow news is good news....
- Snowy garden...
- Last night....can I find the words???
- A wonderful evening....and a surprise!!!
- mmm...chocolate....
- Almost home...
- Sally's crazy kitchen.....
- Homeward bound...
- Crazy world....
- Hot news from China....
About Me
- sally
- a work in progress....
Music on my Itunes playlist
- Andy Thornton
- Eliza Carthy
- James Taylor
- Kate Rusby
- Rod Stewart
- Seth Lakeman
- Show of Hands
- Snow Patrol
- Spiers & Boden
- Steve Lawson
- The Levellers
- Will Young