I feel happy because I was dreading it a bit,..the last two years have been very difficult and emotionally draining for me, and I took that emotion and stress to GB where it got multiplied by thousands, and I seemed to spend a great deal of time crying..the stress and tiredness made it worse.
But just before this year's festival, I seemed to get my act together - really! - and suddenly I was hopeful I would cope better, now that I am more stable, with the passing of time since losing my mum and dad.
And it was fine..only a few tears, but shortlived, and in private, but most of the time I was happy, busy, and more importantly, on the receiving end of hugs and lvoe and support from the most wonderful group of people I have had the pleasure to work with. I hope they feel it was all reciprocated.
Best moments: during build week when Front Desk was already busy and I was missing meals....being captured by angels in Control, who gave me lunch (at about 4pm!) three days running, wonderful crackers and pate and tomatoes, given with a hug, a cup of tea and they even did the washing up......
Going with friends - and Clive! - to see the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain on the grass at mainstage on Sunday afternoon....
Going backstage to witness Gaynor setting up Laura with Daniel Bedingfield and taking the photograph! And here it is....

and when I showed people the photo, everyone going, 'What a brilliant piccie, who is that with Laura? Cos at GB, Laura is more famous....