I can't remember being so busy, but it's been good.... I've got more than enough work during the day but am also running a Parenting Programme on Tuesday evenings and running my first evening volunteer's training on Wednesday evenings..we've got 14 volunteers in training which is the biggest course ever! The first one was this Wednesday and it was a brilliant evening, it went really well..the group consists of 13 women and 1 man, but you can tell he is going to get on well and really join in.
I've also started a teaching qualification which is run locally but awarded by the Uni of Central Lancashire! Apparently I will get a proper student card which means discounts when shopping! Top Shop here I come! The downside is I have an essay to finish this weekend and a lesson plan to write. But I'm doing more training for the national organisation (went to a lovely residential in Cheltenham in Jan, and will be back there in March...) so it's all good.
I have more good days than bad days, tho yesterday was a low point..but I am dealing with stuff and getting there, I think...been swimming this evening so feel better, altho I am depressed about my weight..but only I can do something about that!
I know, I know, I said I would write more regularly this year, but it hasn't happened.... still, it's good to be busy and focused, keeps me out of mischief!
Time for bed. Saturday tomorrow! Places to go, people to see! All I need is to find something to wear that fits........